Monday, May 31, 2010

Weight Loss, Cure and Symtoms


Although it is the desire of many, especially women, continued weight loss may be a sign that something is wrong. And well then investigate One of the most common obsessions today is that of thinness. Women young and old, but increasingly also men, are all to be able to lose their excess pounds. Almost everyone, in fact, are just happy they perceive that the needle of their balance has dropped more than they should, regardless, though, that sometimes a sudden drop in body weight may instead be a signal that anything positive.

From the medical point of view because, when the weight loss (considered as a weight reduction of 10 percent or 15 percent of ideal weight) occurs in a time too quickly and steadily, it means that something is goes.

If the thinness comes in conjunction with a diet that you are facing, however this should not justify excessive weight loss than expected.

Where, however, without the presence of obvious causes, lost over two kilos in the space of just nine or ten days, and the phenomenon continues over time, well suspicious.

In all these cases, you should contact a physician to undergo a thorough examination and, when necessary, laboratory analysis (both blood and urine) to make a picture of the overall health of the body and, if is the case, to investigate the activity of the thyroid gland, if that works in excess can cause a sudden weight loss.


During the years when the spring or summer come suddenly with intense heat waves or with temperature changes are not indifferent, it can happen to lose your appetite for some time. Nothing major, but in this case it is best to try to stay "fresh" as possible and eat with plenty of fruit and vegetables.

As manifested

Sudden weight loss is often caused by factors little worrying and maybe repeated many times throughout life.


A strong attack or a flu, dental problems causing pain can affect appetite, causing you to lose a few pounds without compromising in any way to health.


Other situations very common, but often cause a drop in weight, are traveling abroad in countries where dietary habits are very different than usual. No problem: just try to adapt to the new diet.


When a person decides to radically change their daily diet, such as becoming vegetarian, you may notice a few pounds to lose, especially in the early days of the change. This is not a problem, but only signal that the body is getting used to new ways of taking food.

Body tilt

The causes of weight loss, which may be identified are essentially divided into two categories:
- Physiological causes (ie natural);
- Pathological causes (ie linked to diseases).

The first come into play when weight loss is determined by alterations in normal bodily functions, not caused by disease or trauma.

A common physiologic causes of weight loss is the change in eating habits: typical in this respect is the change in normal life due, for example, to a new job, which forces a hasty meal at the bar.

If we must get used to dine with downed a sandwich in a hurry to run back in the office, it can happen that, in the long run, will determine effects on weight.

The activity

When there is a change in physical or working, you change, inevitably, the daily energy expenditure of calories, then you must ensure adequate food to follow.

In fact, if you change the usual work with another that involves a greater physical effort and no increases with the amount of food assimilated, the body, to continue to real enough energy, it will use stored fat resources, reducing the Within a short time.

Likewise, if you suddenly begins a new and expensive forms of physical activity without adjust their daily diet, you risk incurring the same problem.


At certain times of life, can be subjected to strong emotional tensions that are very likely going to also affect body weight.

In the event of bereavement or when you lose your job, it is normal that the situation of distress that has arisen also affects their willingness to feed.

However, stress is a disorder difficult to categorize because each individual has different manifestations. That is not surprising if, for other

people, anxiety due to negative situations leads to an increase of appetite and unusual voracity.


In many cases, the sudden and unexplained weight loss is caused by diseases and disorders that can affect both the body organs for the assimilation of food, as in the case of:

- Intestinal infections
- Alterations in absorption,

both parties are not directly related to the digestive system, but which may affect the energy body, as in the case of:

- Thyroid disorders,
- Tumors.

In case of diabetes

Disease that affects young people suddenly (type I diabetes) or already old (type II) diabetes results in a constant and rapid weight loss at an equally steady and rapid increase in appetite and food consumed.

The cause of this serious disorder must be sought in the sudden and excessive increase in the amount of blood sugar (hyperglycemia).

This significant increase results in a greater loss of sugar through the urine and in the long run, the reduction of fat deposits in humans.

The cure for diabetes usually requires the administration (subcutaneously) of insulin, the hormone that allows cells to consume sugar, avoiding it completely expelled from the body.


When a person who eats the right amount of food and follow a balanced and varied diet, however, presents problems of thinness, the cause may stem from impaired absorption of proteins, vitamins and fat content in foods. Food malabsorption can be caused by some disorder, the most common of which are:

- Celiac disease, ie intestinal intolerance to gluten and food in which this substance is present (bread, pasta) and often can also cause a severe diarrhea

- Whipple's disease, which causes fat deposits in the small intestine through the fault of which the food that arrives is not absorbed but excreted in the faeces.

Special Issues


Many times, those suffering from depression tend to lose appetite and thus weight loss rather abruptly. Only in some cases, defined atypical depression, people tend to have a huge hunger, a compulsive desire for food, especially carbohydrates (bread, pasta). However, in most cases, the loss of interest in respect of life typical of depressive illness, causes a rejection of both the pleasures of the table is the desire to feed themselves adequately to the needs of the organism.


People who have problems with alcohol dependence, or that are used to consume large quantities of alcohol, easily and gradually lose your appetite. This happens because their body derives its need for calories ingested alcohol, and consequently no longer feels the need to be nourished with food and regular meals.


Often the result of psychological or nervous disorders, anorexia mostly affects women particularly sensitive periods of their lives, such as adolescence or the arrival of old age. This disease leads those affected to refuse any type of food and food for very long periods of time, and endangering all the vital functions of humans.


Another category of disorders that leads to problems of weight loss is that regarding the changes in digestion. In these cases, the amount of food ingested by a person is correct, but the troubles in the digestive system does not allow proper absorption.

Consequently, the foods are almost completely expelled and the person lost weight.

The major digestive problems are:

- Failure in the functioning of the pancreas usually caused by hormonal problems, affects the process of digestion of food causes nausea and diarrhea

- Shortage of production of bile: port to damage the digestive system, as the task of bile is precisely to facilitate the work of such apparatus

- Infections caused by bacteria and parasites that creep in the digestive tract, and especially in the gut. Cause a major disruption to the work of the intestinal mucosa, making difficult the task of absorbing and digesting food. These are in fact rejected by the intestine eg patient expelled through diarrhea.

Among the intestinal parasites most popular is the tapeworm, or "tapeworm" that eating the food ingested by the host, prevents man to absorb the nutrients it needs.


A sharp weakening of physical, coupled with a rapid weight loss, can unfortunately be the first sign of a tumor. Indeed, when the body develops cancer cells, also undergoes a process of impoverishment of all those who may be his humors.

The development of cancer - so the disease is called in medical terms - means that the tumor mass, gradually increasing its volume, treats from all the healthy cells as much energy as possible. This phenomenon naturally leads those affected to a very rapid and obvious weight loss, despite

their appetite remains constant.

Too many hormones

A sudden weight loss can sometimes be caused by the dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which deals with the production of hormones responsible for managing several important metabolic functions. When the thyroid gland does "too much" and would produce an excessive amount of hormones, the agency pays the consequences. This disorder, called hyperthyroidism, comprises an inordinate increase of cells that form the body, because of which they are consumed amounts of protein, carbohydrate and fat content much higher than normal. Consequently, those with this disease sometimes eat more than normal, but nevertheless continues to slim down.

There is also another type of weight loss associated erroneous hormone production, caused by malfunction of another gland that provides the production of hormones: adrenal gland

This disorder - also called Addison's disease - is caused by the underproduction of cortisol and adosterone, whose deficiency causes the body to a lack of appetite and vomiting.

Gland under fire

The thyroid gland is often the culprit of a sudden weight loss. If it produces too much hormone, causes a speeding up metabolism, ie an energy higher than normal.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Live Healthy Life Through Your Diet

Lifestyle choices are personal and do not pay attention to them can sometimes lead to our downfall. When it comes to motivation diet, it appears that there are many and various. However, people involved to focus on their health and can have their say welfare. Sometimes eating habits change, are not considered until some critical health problem. It is difficult to number of people only solution to change due to number of years spent in a particular habit. In other cases, the habit was developed because of stress or perhaps an addiction.

While eating too lenient has become a lifestyle for some, diet is a lifestyle for others. People literally go on a diet today Tomorrow is another. This shows a certain amount of despair and lack of willingness to wait and see the result of something began.

The most important thing that many people must accept that dieting itself is not always good for them. They really need to understand that this is lifestyle change in daily activities that will show positive results. There are a number or ways in which people can get help individuals work without

two or so hours of the day. You can leave Brisker little on all charges, which can leave more way around the block to where he / she or you could use the stairs instead of elevators. If you prefer to choose a form of exercise which is more fun then dancing will be considered and may be allowed to meet the affected people. This may include people willing and able to do during the day of your choice.

It is important to note that diet is not sufficient for weight loss. Exercise to burn calories, should be included. Walking is good, but some people find boring. However, if a club foot is considered one receives encouragement and entertainment and communication. One needs realize that now, or is spent on foot, refrigerator and other containers, snack are hidden from view and it is tempting Nutrition vain. These new habits, if they are acquired, can result in significant improvements in weight loss.

This is a well known fact that some people are disciplined enough to give a new physical activities found enough time to work and quit too soon. Sometimes people are really progressing, but it is not as obvious as they are not happy and just stop.

Weight loss is not something at night and people interested in losing weight should be willing to persevere to succeed. It is advisable to constantly watch the scale, there is almost no significant change, which will take place at night and this is Why are some people who surrender.

This led to a depression in the past that is not good for anyone.

Dieters Note that this change is made to physical activity in your life that you can get the change in weight. It is also important to note that sustainability is the key. In other words, select a natural way of life that are comfortable with (dancing, walking, tennis, swimming) and watching the changes happen for you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

How to keep fit ?

Health and wellness is now a major problem. Earlier people used to hunt their lives so that their body had to undergo many physical exercises. This made life active and alert. Now life has become easier and easier. All it takes is a phone call. This easy life has restricted humans to do a little exercise to keep fit and healthy body. You get instant, spicy and variety of foods, which lose their nutrition during the process.

How to ensure that we all should have a healthy lifestyle? This is the big question of all. This is a proper diet and healthy body in shape. Good health is everything you want. Becoming more healthy and installers, though not very difficult needs dedicated efforts.

Diet Nutrition and Health
The basic foundation of healthy individual begins its phase of fruit with proper nutrition and health, arising from the mother. Therefore, the diet of pregnant woman standing on top of all diets.

Your food should be your medicine. Ayurveda is postulated role of food and especially nutritional foods for maintaining health and treating diseases. The elements necessary for the proper functioning of the mental, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormonal activities. The body is like a machine that will repair and restore, if proper nutrition is provided through food.

Healthy food is available in fruits and vegetables. The fruits are able to provide everything the body needs. How to consume? What can consume? Which fruit helps how? The answers can be found in our diet and a healthy diet section

Exercise and Fitness
Simple fitness exercises can help shape and have a healthier life. stretching exercises can help in many ways mainting a body in shape. Weight loss can be achieved by simple regular exercise effort. medical discoveries can be done through meditation and regular exercise. Yoga and other exercises that can be made easily available to keep your fit and healthy.

Health and wellness can make a difference in life. Healthy living is all one needs to achieve and you get the best articles from reliable sources and are presented here in an organized way. You may not be able to spend valuable time on complicated medications and management of food, but you can find articles to help you have a better life by using simple technique and easy.

Ayurveda, the science practiced in vogue for centuries, using a variety of plants, animal substances, mineral and metallic substances to rebalance the diseased condition of patients. Some simple advice on the treatment of diseases of life have been carefully picked on some health sites.